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          • 수정교회 번역팀  2022.11.19  15:55


          • The reason we pray by calling out people’s names

            Even though each flower in a field has a name, sometimes we treat them like weeds. There are no flowers that bloom meaninglessly. There are no flowers that bloom reluctantly. Even those unknown wild flowers each have a different scent and bloom into colourful and beautiful flowers.

            Even in our lives, whether we are good or bad, there is a precious beauty bestowed on each of us. There is no one born without meaning in the world, so this is the biggest reason we should love.

            It has been 20 years since I started pastoring an immigrant church. While ministering at an immigrant churcht, I still think that the expectation that the Lord will praise me is because I have prayed for those who were entrusted to me by their names. I now see the shepherds calling out the names of the souls entrusted to them and praying for them.

            There was indescribable joy when people who had lost the value of eternal souls through our prayers met Jesus, received Him, and were baptised. Worship became a festival of joy and emotion when a soul returned to the Lord through baptism in His name. This is because it was a moment when their names were recorded in the book of Life in the kingdom of God and the eternal meaning of being a child of God was created. So, shepherds who know this joy have no choice but to pray.

            We may not know how blessed it is to pray by calling out a person’s name. Our prayers, which reveal each person’s name and situation before God, are lifted up to the throne of heaven. The earnest prayer for the name that no one has called before the throne of God and for that name to be recorded in the book of Life in the kingdom of God has eternal value.

            On the contrary, I think that the crisis of being a shepherd is the moment when we forget how to see each person as individuals and treat them as a group as if taking a landscape picture. Just like seeing and preaching to the crowd, working for the crowd, and praying vaguely as if dealing with a crowd. So, when you pray, do not pray vaguely, but specifically call out the person’s name and pray about the person’s situation and problems. Also, please pray specifically for the list of house church VIPs who need to be saved at the house church.

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