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          • 김지나  2020.03.13  09:58


          • At what stage is our mokjang at? (written by Pastor Kim Jaejung)

            There are five stages mokjangs go through. One in which you get to know one another, the next stage, you discover each other's flaws, you build a closer relationship, you share spiritual problems, and then you multiply. 
            At the beginning, mokjang gatherings are simply fun. Then you learn that you don't get along with some people, and over time, you discover each other's weaknesses and flaws. Everyone has flaws, and this can develop into conflicts over time, resulting in some members of the mokjang leaving. But at this stage, when you are able to understand and accept one another, you can become closer.
            Many mokjangs remain at this stage where they have become good friends. A real mokjang gathering happens when we go beyond being friendly, and share spiritual issues with one another. This is an essential stage, yet it takes time. If mokjangs are unable to be spiritually supportive, they will eventually stop feeling the need to meet, and die out. When a mokjang goes from a friendly relationship to filling each other's spiritual needs, the mokjang then matures spiritually. In order for this to occur, all members must gather together, learn to serve one another with love, prayer for one another and experience answered prayers, study Life classes and learn the Bible, learn more about God, look for VIPs and pray for them and learn to love the lost, and participate in church ministries.
            By doing this, mokjangs will become spiritual gatherings, lives will be transformed, and we will become Jesus' disciples, saving the lost and making more disciples, fulfilling the purpose of mokjangs.

            This week's message
            Our youth team is running a free giveaway event this Saturday, 28th December. If you have anything at home you'd like to freely give away to our neighbours, please bring them with you to church.
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